1·Cost accounting has been widely discussed in reason years, to try and minimize cost and to improve competitive advantage.
2·How to take into account of demand side management (DSM) in electric power planning to minimize cost is one hot topic in the energy study field of the world.
3·For example, a manufacturer might require its parts suppliers to be located nearby its assembly plant to minimize the cost of transportation.
4·This allows us to minimize the amount of work in the critical section which should bias the measurement towards the cost of synchronization.
5·Minimize the PREPARE cost of db2 statements.
6·To minimize the cost of a virtual processor context switch, the operating system indicates to the hypervisor whether some resources are in use.
7·The compiler spills the least frequently used variables first, so as to minimize the cost of spilling. Spilling of variables can be avoided by.
8·Your goal should be to minimize the work required to remain compliant, and better yet, make compliance a business enabler instead of an overhead cost.
9·Instead, the overriding consideration should be to minimize the cost of the cleanup.
10·Can it leverage multiple initiatives to prompt greater asset reuse, minimize the maintenance cost and share the development cost?